Bilkent University and HAVELSAN Signed a Cooperation Protocol for Establishing a Data Science Laboratory

Bilkent University and HAVELSAN signed a cooperation protocol for establishing a Data Science Laboratory, BiHa Lab in short, on June 29, 2016. The protocol is signed by Prof. Dr. Abdullah Atalar, Rector of Bilkent University and Ahmet Hamdi Atalay, General Manager & CEO of HAVELSAN.

Sakıp Sabancı Chair and Center for Turkish Studies Created at Columbia University

Thanks to a generous gift from the family of the late Sakıp Sabancı, Columbia University has created the Sakıp Sabancı Chair and Center for Turkish Studies. The first center for Turkish Studies in the United States named for its benefactor, the Sakıp Sabancı Center will forge a new era of scholarly collaborations between Sabancı University and Columbia University and also the two countries. The Center’s goal is to increase knowledge and awareness about Turkey, as well as its importance to modern regional affairs, global affairs, and its historical significance.
